Saturday, October 6, 2012

Undeterred (9/20/12)

I am sure you are aware of the violent unrest that has besieged the northern countries of Africa and many other in the Middle East over the past few weeks. As we have watched these events unfold, we couldn't help but wonder what impact these acts of terror would have on my plans to serve in Kenya. Shortly after it became clear that this firestorm was spreading beyond the borders of Libya, I contacted the organization's representative in Kenya to discuss the situation there:

Dear Jenn,

Thank you for your concerns! There is no course of alarm. I would
personally let you know if it is not safe to travel. At the moment,everything
is very fine and life is normal. Terrorism activities is far from our programs
and nothing has happened negatively on these programs. But even if there
were signs, I would personally let you know and change the program at our
cost. I am a father of 2 lovely boys and I know what it is to be a parent!

Best Regards,

The sad truth is that Kenya has suffered from acts of terrorism perpetrated against its citizens. Although the country's population is almost 90% Christian, the far eastern region is heavily populated with Muslims. Geographically, this region borders Somalia to the east and Sudan to the north, and unfortunately, the ethnic and religious wars in those countries have spilled across the Kenyan border. Most of the attacks that have taken place have been against the Christian population living in eastern Kenya.

Medics for Africa serves in the far western region of Kenya, near Lake Victoria and the border with Tanzania. To put the distance in perspective, the distance between the east and west is about the size of state of Texas! Nevertheless, I take my safety very seriously. I want to come home as much as I want to go serve. I trust the medical organization to make the final decision of whether or not it is safe to travel into the country in January.

Please keep the people of Kenya in your prayers, that they would be spared from the hate-filled violence on display in the countries around them. Please join me in praying for the Spirit of peace to come over the cities under seige, and especially for the protection of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in dhimmitude in these countries under the oppressive ideology of Islam.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called Sons of God." Matthew 5:9


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. -John 14:27