Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Prayer Requests

First, the current exchange rates between the US Dollar and Kenya Schilling are in our favor. Paying program costs this week would save $150. Do you think we can raise $1200 in a week? I do! Please pray for open hearts, provision, patience, and that the Lord's will would be made clear through the work of His Church.

Luke 1:37

Second, an exciting opportunity for our music school may come out of this trip to Kenya as well. I received this email today from my Medics to Africa coordinator in Migori:

Dear Jenn,

Its such a small world! I and my wife Hannah own a music school in Kenya
and I have just noticed from facebook that you and your husband also love
music and own Providence Music Academy! I'd like to get in touch with your
husband and see if we can work out some music exchange programs. My school
is called Nyali Music School and Center and it offers the Associated
Board of the Royal Schools of Music exams(ABRSM).

Best Regards,

Medics to Africa

You can read more about Josh's work with underprivileged students here.

At first glance, this sounds like a very exciting opportunity for the students of both music academies. Please pray for discernment as Roger and Josh start conversing over the feasibility of such an idea, and that doors would begin to open if this is part of how the Lord is calling us to minister to the people of Migori.

Proverbs 16:9

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