Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let's Jump In!

Welcome to my new blog! What you find here may be surprising, challenging, radical even. The story I'm about to tell you, and the opportunity I am going to ask you to join me on, will not fit into the typical storyline for the typical life of a wife, mother-of-Four, early-thirty-something. In fact, I'll have to ask you to check all preconceived notions of such people at the door.

In short, I am asking you to partner with me on an exciting journey.

Skipping over all the back-story (I'm saving it for later, so be sure to subscribe!), I have been accepted to a pre-med internship with Medics to Africa to serve at St. Joseph's Mission Hospital in Migori, Kenya. Medics To Africa is a medical outreach organization dedicated to providing much-needed healthcare to indigent and isolated people in remote villages.
Lord willing, I plan to travel to Kenya in December for two weeks, where I will intern under the supervision of physicians and other clinicians on the various wards of St. Joseph's 300 bed facility. 

Coming to this place has been a year-long journey of discernment that is by no means complete. I do not know what exactly the Lord has been preparing me for over this past year of full-time schooling. (I still have one more year ahead of me.) But I pray that this service trip will offer further discernment of His will. 

I hope I can count on you for your prayers and financial support as I seek to raise $3600 for program and travel costs. Stay tuned for more posts and emails!

Gratefully Yours,

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you & SO excited to see what is in store for you & your family! Many blessings!

    the Moore's
